Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Pushy men.... 

Okay so I understand.
You think I am cool.
You think I am attractive. 
You want to get to know me.

BUT if one of you guys asks me ONE more time to come over to watch Netflix.... 

I WILL stab.

Seriously, how many times do I have to say no? How many times do you want to be rejected? Also, for the record I am not leading these guys to believe that I am easy. I am very very clear about my feelings towards movie nights with the "I hardly even know you" types. I make it known that I am not the bootycall type...anything after 10pm... NO. At least buy me an Italian dinner and a bottle of wine. Then take me to your house...Damn.

What makes men think that they can just have a woman come over and "watch a movie" at the drop of a hat?! Oh wait...probably the women that actually go over!!! That's fine. I mean do what you want, I am all for women doing whatever they please. Just next time you go over to a strange mans house to watch a movie... 

Actually watch the movie. 

Make the guy pop some popcorn. Or make him drive to Von's to buy you a king size Reese's and a pint of gelato. Hell if you want Chinese food make him order in!!! 

Just please.... If he unzips his pants as you're crying to the end of the Notebook... Please leave. Don't you dare!!! Because that ladies is why these single 20 something males think Netflix is just another way of asking for a BJ....

And I am tired... So very tired of the late night requests...I will only blow you when you deserve it. 

Okay that was my little rant. Good night! I have never been so happy to be alone in my bed right now. And yes... I ate a pint of coffee toffee crunch earlier so that helps the situation greatly... 


Monday, July 28, 2014

Update O' Skylar

I know I's been a while. Well ladies (and possibly gentlemen), I feel as if an update is in order. 

So... It's been a little less than two months since my last post. You might be wondering, well what and who has happened??

Well the guy from my earlier post "too juicy", came back into my life...yes the one that thought I was boring and immature. Ouch. Well he called me on my birthday...While I was feeling on top of the world covered in glitter and filled with vodka redbull. He decided to ruin it all with a dumb text, then a dumb phone call. I mean really? My birthday? So long story short I tried making it work and fell for the whole beautiful, tan, smart Santa Barbara construction worker bullshit again. Tried forcing something... And nope. Nope... Nope...just no. He was not into it. Even though he sure made it seem like it. I'm not sad about it anymore. But I really wanted it to happen. Don't you have that one guy that got away? I feel like I got closure this time though. I realized unlike last time that I'm not the problem. We just weren't right for eachother. We would look perfect in a cute little wedding photo booklet. But that's it. 

Well that lasted two weeks... that seems to be the trend lately. 

Because then there is...Ray. Yes that is the fake name I am sticking with for my blog. Ray only lasted about two weeks as well... Ray was a tiny bit younger, not my usual type. Skinnier build, sexy tattoos, cute smile, funny, a little swagger, just different then my norm. I really liked him! I mean I had my reservations about him. He didn't seem to have any sort of path, or clear idea of what he wanted in life (besides more tattoos). I mean, now thinking about it I didn't know much about him besides that he was fun, amazing in bed...and made me feel 16 again. 

Well one drunk night he ignored me, I ignored him. A complete trainwreck of a night. Now we haven't talked for two days. Yes, it bothers me. Only because attention is the love of my life. I feel like I need to keep working on myself anyways. Too many boys that aren't men. And too many men that lack fun-loving boy-ish characteristics. Getting serious about the gym again, steering clear of doughnuts (which I ate five of the last 3 days). Moving into a room next month, being a grown up again. It's all uphill from here guys. 

Thanks for tolerating my quick little rant. Talk to you soon, going to try my hardest to keep up on this. I also tried online dating sort of...for a day...I will leave that for another day. Yikes... Good night babes. -sky

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"I don't need you and your brand new benz"

How would you feel if someone you were sleeping with (on occasion) had a baby with someone else...?
Then named that baby the same name as you...
With only one letter different. Sky-LER, not -LAR

I cannot decide if I want to laugh, cry, hide under my covers, or be cool with it.

Not that this should matter to me...
He is NOT my boyfriend, or friend.
Just "the friend" of the guy my friend was talking to.
Wing woman plus "the friend" turned into mushy, sexy, "never going to date him" blurriness.
This guy is not the right fit for me.
Especially now....with the -LER out and about.

I mean.. the sex is out of this world.
As Drake would say..."Best I've ever had"
Hands DOWN.
I am so attracted to him.

But WHY? He is one of thoseeee guys,
The tan, the tribal tattoos, the Mercedes Benz, the cockiness.
The guy that you think your entire family would most likely despise.

In the bedroom. Can't get enough.
The intimate moments that nobody else could understand...
Looking into each others eyes, the laughing, the candles, the music.

Outside of the bedroom.
Have only considered it once or twice.

This is such a strange situation.
Letting the bootycalls go is the best direction to take..
But why am I texting back?
Giving in to the drama...
Curiosity of what could be?
Do I unintentionally go for "Mr. Unavailable"?

Why do I get attached to every person I meet?
I am not an alcoholic, nor a drug addict.
I am an emotional woman.
Who loves emotional people, emotional situations, and tying emotional feelings to anything that breathes..
Even if it most likely means nothing to the other person.
Do I make things deeper than they truly are?
Shallow relationships turned into relationships written for the movies?
I am probably bored...
Being single is....strange.
I just need normal. Simple.

Listening to Coldplay makes me SO EMO!
Sleeping this off.
Goodnight beauties -sky-LAR...
(Yeah I still can't get over it...) <33

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Needy Neds

I am not a picky person when it comes to men.
I love big personalities, artsy types, smart men, funny men, tall men, little men...
However I do have a few "deal breakers".
1. Do not text me with "gangsta" slang
2, Please do not call everything "gay" when looking for a negative
3. Please do not be afraid of sweat.  (I already dated the gamer guy. I need adventure!)
Last but not least...

I have been bombarded recently with an entirely new species of men... needy men.
Okay so some men will double text... but paragraphs confessing their need to get to know me or date me? Texting me again. And again. And again. 

"Good morning"
"What's up"
"Good night"

Trust me I love attention just as much as the next girl. However, these past couple of guys need therapy. or to just go away...or need to begin reading "The Dating Guide for Clueless Men". There is a balance out there, trust me...text me but please wait for a reply. If I don't reply in a certain amount of time, I am probably busy. Damn, maybe I'm at work or doing my hair or HEY maybe on the POTTY. I may sound harsh, or rude, or ungrateful for the kind compliments and greetings...However, I am not. I just am allergic to this type of man....the needy man.

Monday, May 5, 2014

"Just Too Juicy"

It is almost midnight
I am currently sitting on my bed Indian style
Pillow pet being used as an arm rest
Hello Kitty PJ pants on
Hair in an unruly side pony

Yes I am an adult I swear it...

Okay I may still be a kid/pre-teen/moody teenager at heart. But I think that's what makes me more interesting...right?

So last month I visited my dad and step-mom in Portland Oregon, my home away from home.
I bonded with my step-mom who ended up being pretty rad once I got over my weird step daughter "Don't you dare try and steal my Daddy away" complex.

One night on the way to get some organic ice cream (this is Portland mind you) I was telling my step-mom about this guy Bobby (we won't use real names). I dated Bobby for a short while, about three months. It was perfect, every date was up to "The Bachelorette" standards, fireworks included. Well he ended things out of the blue because he was "abnormally mature" and I was not..(cough cough commitment issues...but that's beside the point).

I have been dealing with the rejection of this tan beautiful man, slowly but surely. (IT HAS BEEN MONTHS by the way).

I mean that shiny smile and those abs of steal are burnt into my brain.
And Bobby singing "Wouldn't It Be Nice" by The Beach Boys naked in bed after breathtaking sex is probably one of my top 10 memories...but yes um... like I said I am dealing with this rejection...slowly...but ummm surely...

Anyway, I was telling her about Bobby briefly, because it comes up like word vomit to every woman (and guy friend) that I know. She began to tell me something that I will never forget...

So I guess someone told her a long time ago, when she was telling THEM about a jack ass of a guy that SHE used to date, that she was "just too juicy for him"... and this doesn't mean she was too fat or anything like that. 

Juicy as in personality...

She tells me that maybe I too, am "just too juicy" for Bobby...
I love that... suddenly my lack of maturity, my spending addiction, my impulsive tendencies, my free spirit, my pillow pet I cuddle with every night all seem less young and immature...But more well... JUICY.

Bobby was beautiful and everything I could have ever wished for...
But sometimes us colorful, fun, juicy girls just aren't boring enough for those Ken doll types...

On to the next one...
Goodnight universe -Sky

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Early Morning Thoughts (time to blog more seriously?)

Good Morning! I am feeling surprisingly positive today (after a shower and a bottle of water later...hangover head ache disappearing)

I went out last night with an old friend from high school,  it had been a little over four years since I had last seen him. It was quite the reunion, aside from running into an obnoxious guy I have been avoiding downtown, I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time.

My adorably funny friend, who is strangely like the gay male version of myself,  is bouncing back from a bad breakup, becoming healthier, independent, and on a continuous journey of self love. Sounds like someone I know... cough cough.

It has been years since my falling out with my ex boyfriend, and talking to my friends last night it got me thinking. I hadn't realized how far I have come, I mean...

Yes, I still make mistakes
Yes, I don't have a man
Yes, I could be making more money
Yes, I am still finding my bliss
Yes, I could stop snacking on pieces of cake at work (I am a baker, so naturally I eat sugar on the daily)

But I am a work in progress. Every day is a chance to improve myself. I could have avoided the Jack in the Box drive through last night on my way home. I could have NOT eaten those greasy spicy tacos of mystery meat and crunchy curly fries of doom. BUT HEY sometimes a girl needs to eat like the stoner she used to be (yes I am having much food regret, and still trying to cope).

Going to start blogging more, I feel like taking you all along with me on this part of my life...the newly improved, less trainwreck-ey version of myself. Probably venting about my so-called problems, experiences with men, and making a mess of things because I simply have a fear of stability.

Now I am simply ranting away, I need to get ready for work, possibly go on a quick hike to melt off those tacos. EW.

If you're reading this Thank you! Eat healthy today...& do NOT go to Jack in the Box. You will just feel like a blob of...well fake tacos. Enjoy the day! xoxo -Sky

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Some boys find me attractive, some don't.
Some think my chubby cheeks are adorable, some don't.
Some boys want my number...most dont.
Some boys think I am fun and outgoing, others beg to differ..

I have not had the best of luck when it comes to boys or men. The opposite sex tends to be either scared of me, NOT my type, has commitment issues or is simply not interested.

When will it get better?
Where is prince charming?
Probably banging a hooker on the corner of Main and Santa Clara...

I mean I don't have that realistic checklist I used to keep in my iPhone notepad anymore...
I just want...well...the opposite of my ex boyfriend. PLEASE
Someone who doesn't say bomb, tight, or gay as a negative.

Maybe its too much to ask for? Maybe this town is just filled with boys..

I need a man.